Wednesday 22 February 2012


This is indeed a very beautiful snake, belonging to the cobra family. The snake is named so because of its exceptional power to spit venom from far away on the creature, as a sign of WARNING instead of biting it in the first reaction and taking its life.

The snake is able to do so due to the amazing structure of its fangs. The fangs of a spitting cobra have a distinct whole, which is clearly visible under observation. When the snake pressurizes its venom gland, the venom is ejected through these small holes (one present in each fang) the ejection is similar to the spanker that we use. 

 IMAGE: right-spitting cobra ; left- non-spitting cobra

A fully grown adult snake can spit its venom up to a distance of 10ft and that too very accurately.
The snake is famous to attack directly into the eyes of the visible threat, which causes instant temporary blindness, and the snake gets time to escape. If this venom is not washed properly and quickly, it may result in long term suffering of pain, swelling and temporary blindness, and may also cause complete and permanent blindness if not treated within proper time. This is because the venom affects the cornea or the retina, resulting in permanent blindness.

Many varieties of this snake are found in different parts of the word. Spitting cobras may grow up to a length of 8ft.

Spitting cobras support cannibalism, i.e. they feed upon other spitting cobras, they also feed upon small mammals, rodents, lizards, frogs and other snakes.

The most amazing fact about this specie is that some of them give birth to young ones.

The most common threat to these creatures is the GREAT MONITOR LIZARD. As soon as the monitor lizard sees this snake the lizard attacks it, rips it apart with is strong denture and enjoys its meal for the day.

Some of the varieties of spitting cobra are:
*Red spitting cobra

*Mozambique spitting cobra

*Brown spitting cobra: largest of its kind, recorded length 9ft

*Equatorial spitting cobra

The colour of the species may vary from continent to continent like RED, YELLOW, BROWN, BLACK n even PINK.


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