Sunday 4 March 2012


There are five different species of rhinoceros found in different parts of the world, Black rhino, White rhino, Sumatran Rhino, Javan rhino and Indian rhino. The creature is surviving on this earth from the Jurassic era. Fossils are found in many places of the world. The creature is included in the native species of Africa (2) and Southern Asia (3).

The creature has a well built body, and is included in the mammalian class i.e. the female gives birth to the new ones and the baby rhino feeds on the milk of the mother for a certain period of time.

The female gives birth to only one child at a time, it is seen that the baby remains with the mother for the first 3 years of his life and after that the mother is ready for a new child. The mother rhino takes good care of the child in all conditions. Looking at the pattern that the mother and the young rhino use while on the move, its easy to determine the difference between the White and the Black rhino. One must not confuse the color of a rhino by the title of their specie; black rhino and white rhino; rhinos are more or less of the same color. As the color of the rhino has no difference as such, this technique can help find the difference. A white rhino mother walks behind its baby to protect its young one, while a black rhino mother walks in front of the young one. Besides this, black rhinos are considered more aggressive than the white rhinos.



An average healthy rhino has a protective layer of 1.5-5 centimeter and  weighs about 600 kilograms.
Rhinos have very small legs as compared to their large and heavy bodies. The creature can run at a maximum speed of 50kmph, which is indeed a good speed considering its size and weight . It only feeds on grass in the winter and the rainy season  with which it also fulfills its need for water, while in summers the animal can travel up to 25km a day in search of water.

The creature loves to live alone and lives a really boring life. They hardly come in contact with other rhinos.
A mother with her child can live in an area of 25 km for years. Considering their large size they are able to  survive  in very small areas.

The rhinos don’t have much hair traces on the body like other mammals, except of some on their ears and some on their tail. The horn of the rhino is made of a collection of hairs and it grows really big and strong in white rhinos, while in Black rhinos the front horn is not that big. They are illegally killed all over the world for their horns. The rhinos usually don’t  face any danger except from humans and microorganisms.



The rhinos have an average life span of 35-40 years. They don’t have a good eyesight and because of this anyone can easily approach the rhino from its rear end, but usually creatures don’t attack rhinos. The creature due to its low eyesight charges easily on anyone who comes in its way, but the best part of the rhino is that it retreats as quickly as it charges.

The white rhinos have square shaped mouth which helps them to easily chew grass and thorny leaves, while the black rhinos have round shaped mouth and they lose their teeth very fast.


Black rhinos have a curved back as compared to the straight back of white rhinos.

The male rhinos frequently fight with each other in friendly games and also for mating needs. Male rhinos are often seen killing the young ones in order to insist the female to mate with the male rhino.

The calf is born after a period of 14-18 months and are able to feed on grass after a week of birth.

Rhinos once used to roam around all the continents and were found in abundance, but now there are just a few thousands left and are now officially declared as ENDANGERED species.


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